About the Hyatt's

My photo
In 2003 David and I started going to Real life Ministries. It is a non-denominational Evangelical Christian church in Post Falls. The church was planted in 1998 by four families, including now senior pastor, Jim Putman. We have had the opportunity to serve in several different ministries in the church, and in the past three years we have been home group leaders. It has been quite a journey for David and I. We have met amazing people through Christ…

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Chritmas everyone!!!!!
I hope your Christmas is wonderful.
as it should be, filled with family,food, fun, and thought of the real reason for celebrating the day: JESUS.


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Blake atv riding,We stop at a old ranger station in northern Idaho... Summer 2011

Blake atv riding,We stop at a old ranger station in northern Idaho...     Summer 2011

summer 2011

summer 2011
Blake Atv riding at the camp site on July 4th

June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010
Steve, Rosanna, Johnny, David ,Stephnie, Cory and Blake ...

BBQ by the lake,,,

beautiful Idaho...

June 19, 2010

June 19, 2010
Car d'Lane show.

Downtown Coeur d'Alene, Idaho..

Downtown Coeur d'Alene, Idaho..
20th Annual Car d'Lane show.

Downtown Coeur d'Alene.. June 19, 2010

Downtown Coeur d'Alene.. June 19, 2010
Blake at the car show

June 19, 2010

This weekend is the 20th Annual Car d'Lane, one of the Pacific Northwest's top car shows. More than 700 classic cars, trucks and hot rods cruise downtown on Friday night and Saturday the streets close down for the show and shine. Located in northern Idaho, Coeur d’Alene is defined by blue skies, sparkling water and ...pine-forested mountains. Coeur d’Alene has become known as the Lakeside Playground of the Pacific Northwest for five-star amenities in a stunning natural setting. Downtown Coeur d’Alene, founded in 1888, is an entertainment and shopping center with more than 125 retail stores, restaurants and professional businesses

Beautiful downtown Coeur d'Alene..

Beautiful downtown Coeur d'Alene..
classic cars, trucks and hot rods...


It's That time of year... Camping with our family in Christ...May 2010

Camping May 14, 2010

Camping May 14, 2010
Ryan, Autumn, Maddie and Cory

welcome to Idaho

welcome to Idaho
Steve and Rosanna and Autumn

February 7, 2010

Wow what an awesome weekend ! Had home group Saturday evening and went this morning to church. Came home played some wii with the family and had BBQ and then we watched the super bowl.. Thank you Jesus !!!

Grand Coulee Dam

Grand Coulee Dam
David and I took a trip out Grand Coulee in January Grand Coulee is located at river mile 596.6 in central Washington about 90 miles northwest of Spokane.... Grand Coulee Dam is a hydroelectric gravity dam on the Columbia River in the state of Washington. The reservoir is called Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lake, named after the United States President.... Length 5,223 ft Height 550 ft Opening date June 1, 1942

Happy Birthday Blake

Happy Birthday Blake
December : It has been a fun year, as the year 2009 is coming to the end Blake had his 9 th Birthday.

Blake's Birthday

Blake's Birthday
Blake and his friend

December 2009

December 2009
Home group Christmas party, Julie, Dusty and Debbie


My 16 year old son Cory and our close friend Rochelle got babtised November 13, 2009
And he died for all. That those who live, should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again
2 Corinthians 5:15

Babtised November 13, 2009

Babtised November 13, 2009
Rochelle Price


Our Family in Christ...

Our Family in Christ...
Camping labor day weekend 2009...

Labor Day Camping North Idaho 2009

Labor Day Camping North Idaho 2009

Camping labor day weekend 2009...

Camping labor day weekend 2009...

Camping labor day weekend 2009 North Idaho

Camping labor day weekend 2009 North Idaho
Rochelle and Cory


My Friend and her family are moving back to Idaho.

Summer 2009 in North Idaho

Summer 2009 in North Idaho
Floating down the Spokane river for the first time !


After riding ATV!

Camping July 4, 2009 Kelso Lake

Camping July 4, 2009 Kelso Lake
Johnny, Cory, David and Kori

Mermorial weekend camping Trip 2009

Mermorial weekend camping Trip 2009
Katelyn and Blake
Hope Faith Love (Breast Cancer)

the Cancer walk

the Cancer walk
When Life get Sour, Trust in God!!

April 14, 2009

April 14, 2009
Hello, My family needs you to pray for my husband David about three weeks ago he had a Minnie Stroke he is OK. The Doctors are doing a lot of test we got the results back on the MRA and that is normal, but the Trans-thoracic echo-cardiogram (TTE) showed some issues, so he get to go to the ER on the 24th for a closer look at the heart they will be doing a Trans-esophageal echo-cardiogram (TEE) is usually prescribed after an abnormality is found in the results of a TTE. The images from TEE can provide more information about the condition of the heart because they have better resolution and are taken from the inside of the body rather than the outside. So I am asking you to pray for him. Jesus said come and gather two or more in my father’s name. The power of prayer is one amazing thing that God gave us. (Jesus said) Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you, by my Father in heaven Passage Matthew 18:19: (Jesus said) For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst. Passage Matthew 18:20: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for all the blessings you have given us. Even when we face difficult Times in our life, we know we can face them with your guidance. Thank You for the promise that you are with us in everything. We love and appreciate you Lord. You are very kind and merciful to us. We lift David up to you father for a physical healing. Thank you heavenly father for hearing our prayers...in your son, Jesus name… Amen Thank you God Bless you, Stephnie Hyatt

Real life Ministries

Real life Ministries
REAL LIFE MINISTRIES is a non-denominational Evangelical Christian church in Post Falls, situated in Kootenai County, Idaho. The church was planted in 1998 by four families, including now senior pastor, Jim Putman. Since its founding, the church has grown to an average weekend attendance of over 7,000. It has been the fastest growing non-denominational Christian church in the United States over the past four years (2002-2006), experiencing growth of 247%.

Real life Ministries

For the 2008 Easter weekend RLM had over 12,600 in the six Post Falls services. Spokane Valley Real Life had 1,600; Moscow had 700; Newport had 176; Silver Valley had 275; and Boise had almost 100 even though they don’t have regular Sunday services. Over all, more than 15,000 people were in churches that did not even exist 9 years ago.

Spokane river

Spokane river